Our Mission: Living the Truth, Sharing the Hope
There is an old saying that says, "Preach the gospel, and use words if you have to". As we seek to grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we want to live in such a way that the gospel message does not even have to be spoken in order for those around us see the truth living in us. As we accomplish this mission, it is also our desire to share the everlasting hope that Jesus came to bring us, which resulted in His death on the cross for our sins. In this continued hope we have the promise of His return to earth again to receive us unto Himself. It is this hope that the hurting are longing for—a hope that says, "There is a Living Truth, and you can know Him personally". Jesus Christ came to die for the lost, and such were we. Now, it is our desire to live this truth and to share this hope with you. If you would like to hear more of the good news that Jesus came to bring, please feel free to visit us or give us a call. Blessings.
Our Core Values
We value obedience to Jesus Christ in all situations.
We value each individual as one who matters to God.
We value dependence on and confidence in God's ability to do more than we can ask or imagine; therefore, we are willing to take risks and expect that God will surprise us.
We value Christ honoring, culturally relevant worship.
We value evangelistic outreach ministry to those who do not yet belong to Christ and the church.
We value each believer growing in Christ likeness and serving in ministry based on their spiritual gifts.
We value vital reproducing congregations.
We value trained, committed and competent leaders (pastors and lay persons).
We value Christian unity within a diverse body of faith.
We value accountability among believers and congregations.
Our Strategy
Glorify God
1 Chronicles 16:24 tells us to "Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples." This is why we were created; to bring glory to God. As we seek to glorify God, it will permeate our whole life. Our light will so shine before men, that they will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
The first thing the early church did when they assembled was pray together. Prayer is the fuel that drives the ambitious priorities of the church and the spiritual power that changes the world. Christ demonstrated the power of prayer by making it a priority of His earthly ministry. If the Church is going to be effective, it must pray. (Acts 1:14, John 17, I Peter 5:7)
Teach the Scriptures
The truth as presented in the Holy Bible contains the foundation and guiding principles for which the Christian must base his or her life. Jesus based His earthly ministry on the Scriptures and was Himself, as declared by the Apostle John, the Word. (II Timothy 3:15-16, Luke 4:18-19, John 1:1)
Community Outreach
Serving is the hands on demonstration of Christianity to one another and to our community. God has put a high priority on serving. Jesus said to go and proclaim the gospel to all nations; and reaching out and serving the community in the love of Christ proclaims the gospel in a real and tangible way. (Matthew 20:26, John 13:35)
Jesus discipled His apostles by teaching and demonstrating the truth of the Scriptures on a daily basis. It was through this process that His disciples grew in the grace and knowledge of God. The early church continued this tradition by devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (II Peter 3:18, Acts 2:42)
Evangelism is the communication of God’s word to a lost world. The Bible declares that God is not willing for anyone to perish and that God’s desire is for His house to be full. The Bible places the responsibility of evangelism on the church. "His intent was that through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known." (Matthew 28:19-20, Ephesians 3:10, II Peter 3:9)